Wednesday, September 24, 2014

PROJECT 4-Participation (Wednesday, September 24th)

While speaking with Derrick, I realized that my initial design for my poster board will not be easy. Because i was thinking more about the physical board, I looked over the technical limitations I will be working around. I wanted to include three masks at the top of my board. I think it would be a nice touch to have the character's mask at the top of my board. However I cant place physical masks in photoshop so i will need to rethink my board.

project 5 -week 5- 4 concept sketches

Monday, September 22, 2014

PROJECT 5-Research Part II Payday 2

Payday 2 is a four player cooperative pseudo stealth game, in which players players attempt various bank heists and robberies. Each player chooses one of four classes, all of which do different things and have certain advantages in the heist. After completing the mission objective, players earn in game currency to spend on items, as well as skill points to custom tailor their character.

Project 5-WK5 Research Part I.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Project 3- wk3- Participation

My partner Derick says that although I did a good job of showing of the vistas and locations for my game, I did not show character's nor did I show specific levels for my game. When i go back and fix my images, or if i ever pursue this game in the future, for my concept art I will not only have my multiple location pictures, but I will also have character's in locations I would like to use in-game, I should also include more pictures of actual levels in stead of locations. I had pictures of London, but failed to really show any pictures of levels or places within London that would be the actual play space for my game.


PROJECT 3-Concept Development Part II

This game is a 4 player coop sandbox assassin game, in which players must assassinate an npc in whatever way possible.